Teacher creates no homework policy so students can enjoy family time
Young would no longer be formally assigning homework, and that the only homework that students would have would consist of whatever they did not finish during class.
In the note, Mrs. Brandy Young says, “After much research this summer, I am trying something new”. Her daughter, “is loving her new teacher already”.
Instead of setting additional formal homework assignments to complete, homework will just be anything that is not finished during school hours.
A picture of the note was put on Facebook by a mother of one of Young’s students, Samantha Gallagher, and has since gone viral. The note is apparently right that there are no conclusive studies that say homework improves academic performance.
Another parent commented, “Finally more teachers are catching on to this!”
Every school year, elementary school students are faced with new challenges.
Instead, she encourages parents to spend time eating dinner as a family, reading together, playing outside and sending their child to bed on time. “When they go home they have other things they need to learn there”, Young told CBS News. “I believe it will enable us to spend more time in the evening together!”
A Reddit user, monetclaude, shared a photograph of the anonymous letter that was handed out in the first week of term.
“Hopefully this will change some things”, another wrote. “Share your values and your concerns with your teacher if you feel like your child is doing too much homework, and ask the objective of it”.
“Our superintendent really encouraged us to be innovators”, Young said.