Ted Cruz Enrages An Entire City Over Offensive ‘New York Values’ Comment
After clashing in Thursday’s sixth Republican debate, Donald Trump kept up the heat on his rival Ted Cruz on Saturday with a string of angry Twitter accusations about his nationality and financial affairs.
Reporter: And when he got stuck in the elevator – So who put Donald Trump in charge of the elevators?
“Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio have all demanded an apology”, Cruz said, “and I’m happy to apologize”.
In the last Republican debate, Trump offered a passionate defense of New York City in response to Cruz’s claim that he represents “New York values” out of step with conservatives.
Tragic: James Smith (right) did not take kindly to a remark about “New York values” that Ted Cruz made earlier this week.
Along with Trump, Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee spoke at the convention.
“Everybody that loves the people of NY, and all they have been thru, should get hypocrites like Ted Cruz out of politics!”
Cuomo said Cruz should apologize to New Yorkers.
Considering this, it can be said that Ted Cruz’s remarks can open a new front between the two.
Daily News columnist Mike Lupica wrote: “The best of this city is the best of this country, and always has been”. And I’ve never seen anything like it. And the people in NY fought and fought and fought, and we saw more death and even the smell of death; nobody understood it. And it was with us for months: the smell, the air.
“I don’t think Americans are going to have a good reaction”.
“I, and some of the other widows, would love to give him a tour and talk to him about how NY came together and America came together”, he told ABC News. “In many ways he represents or should have represented the beauty of NY and the acceptance of NY, the capital of immigration”, he said.
I apologize to the hard working men and women of the state of NY who have been denied jobs because Governor Cuomo won’t allow fracking. His campaign sent out a mass email to NY supporters on Friday, saying the attacks on him are unfair.
“Say whatever you want”, Trump said in response to the boos. “New York values are the NY taxi driver who traveled three boroughs across four days to find the guy who had left $1,400 in his cab, so he could return the money to him”.