Ted Cruz Won’t Say Whether He Will Vote for Trump
He just admitted it.
“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and who attack my father”, he said, adding that the “loyalty pledge” he took to support the GOP nominee came before Trump’s personal insults. And many of them have been saying all week that they won’t vote for Trump come November.
Since January 2013, Trump noted, the IN labor force has added 186,000 jobs.
“I told him that what he did was inexcusable and he was a traitor to the party”, Hutchison said Thursday morning at the state delegation’s breakfast. It was a scene.
The newly crowned Republican nominee had hoped for a triumphant turn at the podium, but he has instead been plagued by fresh political and policy headaches: His most tenacious primary rival, Sen.
“And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November”, Cruz said (according to a prepared copy of his remarks), actively avoiding speaking the name of the orange wraith. The crowd booed as he ended his speech and Trump entered the arena.
If Ted Cruz doesn’t jerk it to this headline, I’ll eat $100.
Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, Stephen Miller, speaks during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas. But when Cruz said Republicans should “vote their conscience” for candidates who will abide by the Constitution, he did not specifically encourage them to vote for their party’s nominee.
Trump and Cruz also got in a battle over wives, after Trump retweeted a photo of former fashion model Melania Trump alongside an unflattering shot of Cruz’s wife Heidi. “I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous”.
Cruz dropped out of the race in early May, finishing second to Trump in the delegate count.
And apparently he’ll be campaigning as the Not Servile Puppy. He’s acknowledging that he hasn’t forgiven Trump for the sins of the primary.
“Our biggest problem as a nation is that we have a socialist Democratic oligarchy running the country, and President Obama and Hillary Clinton are part of that”, said Chapman.
“I was actually in the green room right behind the stage, I was about to go on and give my speech, this room, I’ve never seen boos like heard boos like that”, Trump said.
Donald Trump had a great fundraising month in June, raising $26.7 million and ending the month with $20.2 million – a sizable haul as he faces Hillary Clinton’s cash-infused machine, according to federal filings. Trump himself tweeted that Cruz had been “booed off the stage”.
But the aim of Cruz’s speech Wednesday was clear as day. He didn’t stray from his prepared remarks.
The comment put a finer point on the candidate’s previous criticism of NATO’s relevance and his contention that allies aren’t paying their fair share. This would seem to indicate that the delegates of the RNC know that they can not in good conscience vote for Trump, otherwise, why would they boo? And I set out to do so, riding down the coast in an automobile, looking at the blue Pacific out on one side and the Santa Ynez Mountains on the other, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was going to be that lovely a hundred years from now as it was on that summer day. But this was Cruz getting his long-delayed revenge.