Teen prosecuted for having nude pictures of himself on his phone
In Fayetteville, North Carolina, a 17-year-old boy struck a plea deal to avoid 10 years in prison and registered sex-offender status. The boy was, however, punished by the courts, and had to agree to be subject to warrantless searches by law enforcement for a year, in addition to other penalties.
The graphic images on Copening’s phone were first discovered when authorities investigated the widespread sharing of sexual images without consent at his school.
A 17-YEAR-OLD American male is being prosecuted by his state for possessing naked photos on his phone – of himself.
Two North Carolina teenagers were allegedly charged with felonies for texting each other nude pictures of themselves. They are charged with multiple counts of making and possessing images of their under aged 16-year-old selves, making each of them both the predator and the victim.
While in Copening’s case the damage has already been done, there are reasons why publications tend to refrain from disclosing the identities of minors, even when they’ve been involved in serious crimes.
Speaking to the Guardian United States , Justin Patchin, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Wisconsin, said: “Kids should not be charged for that”.
“Kids should not be charged for that”, Patchin said. In his profile picture, he’s playing football, Copening was his high school’s quarterback, but was temporarily suspended from the team as punishment.
Ironically, if the couple had been found actually having sex they would have committed no crime, as consensual sex between 16-year-olds in North Carolina is not an offence, but possessing sexual images of a minor is. “I don’t think it should be a criminal offense where there is no victim”.
She is also barred from using a mobile phone for a year.
Others told the paper that the prosecution of the teen was “ludicrous” and an “overreach”. The girlfriend was also prosecuted on similar charges and had previously taken a plea deal. If they comply, their records will be wiped clean.