Telegram users reached 100 million, 50 billion messages are delivered daily
Telegram is thought to be even more secure than WhatsApp, and provides secure group chats for up to 200 members as well as self-destructing messages, photos, and videos.
Telegram has reached new heights with surpassing the mark of 100 million monthly active users worldwide.
Several innovations over the past year, such as the launch of the Bot Platform, Telegram Channels, and Voice Messages – have all contributed to making Telegram a communication platform of choice for a growing number of individuals and businesses.
“I side with Tim Cook”, Durov told The Financial Times.
Now Telegram has more than 100,000,000 monthly active users. Not only this, Telegram has also seen an increase of 38 million MAUs since May a year ago, while the app is also signing up more than 350,000 users on daily basis.
Telegram had been in the news in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, with the government agencies accusing the app and its founders of ignoring the fact that ISIS was using it to spread terrorist propaganda.
Telegram lets you do few interesting things that WhatsApp does not. The implication there being that whoever wants encryption will find it.
Pavel Durov founded hugely successful social site VKontakte before leaving Russian Federation, claiming Kremlin persecution.
Walt reports that the brothers bought themselves citizenship on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts so they could move freely around Europe and moved their $300 million fortune to a Swiss bank account.
It’s no surprise the service has become so popular.
Currently, Durov has taken no outside investments. The company is now spending a million dollars of Durov’s own money each month to keep the app running; eventually, Durov intends to focus on creating a business model that could lead to actual profits.