Tests find West Nile-positive mosquitoes in Naperville
(Riverton, Wyo.) – Following a positive report of West Nile Virus in the city two weeks ago, the City of Riverton trapped a second time during the week and again on Monday night, according to Nancy Pieropan, assistant supervisor of Fremont County Weed and Pest. “The fact that we have found West Nile in only one area does not mean that it is confined to that Zip Code”. Most individuals infected with the virus will not experience any illness.
“While West Nile is rarely life-threatening, it can be occasionally serious”, Kaiser said.
In 2014, 2,205 human WNV cases were reported with California leading the nation with 801 cases.
In 2012, Ventura County hit a record of seven human cases.
Residents should be on heightened alert during these months of the dangers of West Nile Virus. This is the first positive West Nile virus sample collected by Yakima County this year.
The pool of 18 mosquitoes with the positive test was found in the 1300 block of Berkley Court, near Legacy Drive and Alma Drive.
“Usually we see higher numbers in late August and early September when we have the warmer temperatures, especially because Ventura County tends to be a little cooler than counties further south”, the environmental health specialist said. “Unlike the common cold which is easily transmitted, the West Nile virus can only be spread by mosquito bites, and there are easy steps to take to reduce your risk of getting bitten”.
The incidence of human infection from West Nile virus fluctuates considerably from one year to the next.
In the end, there’s always a risk for mosquitoes to breed, whether water sources are drying up or developing, he said. Through this program, larvicide is applied to storm drains and various standing water locations around the city to prevent mosquito eggs from hatching.
“There’s always standing water somewhere-whether it be in a bucket, a pool, an ornamental pond or fountain, or in your gutters”, he said.
For more tips, call the vector control hotline at (805) 662-6582.