Texas Junior High Student Says Teacher Taught ‘God Is Not Real’
Jordan Wooley, a seventh grade student at West Memorial Junior High School, says it happened during a reading class assignment in which the students were to classify each of a list of statements as an “opinion”, a “factual claim”, or a “commonplace assertion”.
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Jordan’s mother, Chantel Wooley, said the test accounts for about 40 percent of her daughter’s grade in the reading class. Despite this, she said her daughter was not willing to renounce her faith in God.
A young Texas girl is being praised for her courage and unyielding faith after she stood up against her teacher who kept insisting that God doesn’t exist.
Wooley said the teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids would argue, she had told them that we would get in trouble”.
A suburban Houston junior high school student has complained about an assignment that she says questioned students’ religious beliefs. The district says it was meant to encourage critical thinking skills, not question any student’s religious beliefs.
“I said he is real and she said that can’t be proven”, Jordan replied.
“Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real”.
“However, the assertion that the teacher deliberately tried to force her to deny her God or threatened her God, that was not corroborated”, he added. “When I asked my teacher about it she said it doesn’t have anything to do with religion because the problem was just saying there is no God”.
The district also said that the teacher did not use the word “myth” to describe God and that the instructor “welcomed all students’ views”.
Wooley explained that one of her friends, who went home crying, wrote on her paper that God was fact, but her answer was marked as being incorrect.
“It was really confusing to me at first because I didn’t really know what to do, so the first thing I did was tell my mom”, she said.
Her mother Chantel echoed the concern.
“What she said the teacher told them in her class period is also what she told them in my son’s class period”, said a woman named Deanna, who told Resurrect the Republic Truth Radio that her son received the same assignment.
The district said it would seek appropriate action for the teacher, whose name has not been released.
But she claims the teacher insisted that the answer was wrong, and that she should have said that the statement is a fact.