Texas may not restore lost abortion clinics despite ruling
But not anymore, not under the new precedent set by the Supreme Court Monday. While I am deeply disappointed in this decision, I am committed as ever to the protection of women’s health and the lives of the unborn.
The Democrat from Fort Worth stood in the Texas Senate for 11-plus hours three years ago, temporarily blocking tough abortion restrictions.
“So I wouldn’t want to jump to saying because the Texas statute failed, Wisconsin’s statute necessarily fails”. But the Supreme Court’s ruling on Monday in the Texas case, providing its most stout endorsement of abortion rights since 1992, could imperil a variety of these state laws.
As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Monday, “it is beyond rational belief that H. B”.
“This measure is created to protect the health and safety of women who undergo this potentially risky procedure, and physicians who provide abortions should be held to the same standards as physicians who perform other outpatient procedures”, Bryant said. The Texas case could have repercussions for women nationally. She drove 300 miles each way to access what is a legal medical procedure in the United States.
The decision establishes a strong precedent for the 12 other states that have contrived onerous abortion restrictions to get around Roe v. Wade. Traveling, missing work, and finding childcare are not always options. “This decision will help to stem the public health crisis in Texas by allowing the remaining clinics in Texas to keep their doors open, and it paves the way for new clinics to open and meet the needs of the millions of women in underserved areas of Texas”.
The laws passed in MS and Wisconsin have similar restrictions on abortion doctors and clinics, making it virtually impossible for them to operate.
Justice Stephen Breyer’s majority opinion for the court held that the regulations are medically unnecessary and unconstitutionally limit a woman’s right to an abortion.
It’s important to remember this is not just happening in Texas.
The impact on other states with similar laws is not yet clear.
Women in this country – our daughters and sisters and neighbors – deserve better than this from their leaders.
We need to trust women.
This is an election year. (In fact, most experts warned that the law would actually harm women, which researchers now say appears to be the case.) Anti-abortion lawmakers passed the bill anyway, claiming patient safety to be their motive and justification. “Each places a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking a previability abortion, each constitutes an undue burden on abortion access, Casey, supra, at 878 (plurality opinion), and each violates the Federal Constitution”. “Women won’t be “punished” for exercising their basic rights”. “We believe that government should not intrude on these most private family matters, and that women should be able to make their own choices about their body and health care”.
To Hawkins’s left, a group of people apparently supporting Planned Parenthood danced with signs and shouted about the victory.