These Genius Netflix Socks Will Pause a Show When You Fall Asleep
“Sometimes a show is so good, you just can’t stop”. Netflix provides the sock’s knitting patterns, codes, and assembly instructions on its “Make It” page, but subscribers will have to purchase all the materials, put together the electronics, code the sensor, and knit the socks all on their own.
Netflix and Chill has become America’s favorite pasttime. According to the company the technology is based on a method called actigraphy.
The socks use an accelerometer which detects that the wearer has stopped moving. Netflix seems to think binge-watchers will find them particularly useful (and cozy). It’s created to be sensitive enough to know the difference between you sitting still but awake and fast asleep, but as a failsafe it activates a red LED if it’s about to send the pause signal. As far as I know, this is now the only way to get BoJack Horseman socks, which could also sell you on the idea.
Netflix’s socks are available in patterns representing five of the service’s original shows, including House of Cards, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Orange Is the New Black, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. These socks are the latest in a spate of DIY projects that serve to remind you that a soldering iron should be near the top of your holiday wish list. The programming bit is necessary to connect the unit with your entertainment setup.