Tim Kaine under scrutiny for abortion comment
Kaine, meanwhile, was enthusiastically received Wednesday night by the Virginia delegation, which broke out into cheers of “Kaine ” and waved “Stronger Together” signs in Spanish and English when the senator took the stage.
And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Sanders, saying, “I’ve heard you”. That’s because Kaine, who is Hillary Clinton’s pick for the post of US Vice President, became a rage on Twitter.
“Folks, you can not believe one word that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth”, Kaine said.
Samila Amany, a California delegates for Sanders, said Kaine is a centrist and she wasn’t overly impressed with his speech.
Kaine, who introduced Clinton in Philadelphia, described the former secretary of state as someone who “knows how to battle and get things done for regular people”. Private security experts – although not yet any US government agencies – say they found clues that point to hacking groups whose targets track the strategic interests of Russia’s government. “I’m not telling you everything is peachy keen”, Clinton said.
PJ Vogt added: ‘Tim Kaine is your friend’s dad who catches you smoking weed at a sleepover and doesn’t rat you out but talks to you about brain development’.
Kaine’s super-friendly vibe may help him win Clinton the presidency.
Joined on the bus tour by her husband, Bill Clinton, running mate Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, Clinton stopped at a toy and plastics manufacturer in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, where she and Kaine cast Trump as a con artist out for his own gain. “I’m a street fighter”, she said.
The most re-tweeted tweet from the final day on the DNC was courtesy of President Obama it said.
Kaine, a former Virginia governor, also criticized Trump’s seeming invitation last week for Russian Federation to hack into US servers and find Clinton’s missing emails – a comment Trump later said was sarcastic.
“This is just exciting to see first woman nominated to the highest office in the land such an inspiration”, says Michaela Solges, of Long Island.
Kaine could put that standard to the test because he says he is personally opposed to abortion, but as a public official supports abortion rights and has a flawless rating from most abortion rights lobbies.
The governor whose state hosted his party’s convention in Cleveland “wouldn’t even attend it because he thinks Trump is such a moral disaster”, said Kaine. They point to his work as a civil rights attorney specializing in fair housing, his opposition to the death penalty, and record as governor of defending education funding during tough times.