Toomey fields questions on health care during plant tour near Kutztown
The Senate bill was drafted in secret by Republican senators with no input from the public, no testimony from doctors or hospitals and no public hearings.
Kansas now has a waiting list for people with disabilities.
Along with these direct actions, numerous organizations that oppose the Trump administration for a raft of reasons participated in meetings with members of Congress to argue against cuts to Medicaid and the ACA or held protests outside their offices. If the BCRA becomes law, Casey said nearly 6,000 Centre County residents would lose their health care insurance in 2018.
Currently, the legislation is stalled in the Senate as the moderate and conservative wings of the party’s Republican conference have been unable to come to a compromise on the bill.
We also reported that the bill, also known as Trumpcare, would eliminate Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions that impact home health care providers.
“I can not believe people are playing partisan games with lives”, Blair said.
If the bill is enacted, the CBO estimates that by 2026, an estimated 23 million people now with health insurance will lose coverage.
While the president’s recent tweets deriding MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski’s intelligence and appearance are offensive, they unfortunately hint at a view toward women that has a much wider purchase in our current federal administration.
“That amount of money can’t be made up in other areas of the budget in Minnesota or any other state”, she said. Contact your federal legislators with your questions, your concerns and your voices. When I retired I looked forward to a few years of good health but the high cost of health care takes a big chunk out of our family budget.
Two Medicaid recipients said they’re not sure what they would have done had they not been able to seek help from the state.
Throughout the country, insurance companies are pulling out of ACA exchanges. So I suggest we introduce “pay for performance”, using the metric system when it comes to “health”! It is important to me that none of my patients lose access to care because they have lost affordable health insurance. He said right now, people in the Valley are suffering and the emergency rooms are overflowing – whether people possess insurance cards or not. “It still is going to cost and be even more costly”.