Trailer released for old-school survival horror Syndrome
Big Moon Entertainment and Camel 101 are attempting to go back to the old school survival horror genre with their introduction of Syndrome. However, there won’t be enough ammo to kill everything, meaning players will have to rely on quick getaways to save themselves.
Camel 101’s first person survival horror Syndrome, is set to take the genre back to its roots.
Players awake from cryosleep stranded on a spaceship and must discover the fate of its crew, a few of which are dead, and others that appear to have changed into monsters. In the dark confines of the ship, defending yourself is hard and not always possible.
Traditional survival horror games have often depended on their environments for good scares, as well as forcing players to choose whether to run or fight because of a limited supply of weapons. “Take note – each misstep could be deadly”.
For more information, visit the official Syndrome website. Syndrome also will support virtual reality at a later date, which could be really fun.
Syndrome will be lurking onto PC, Mac, PS4, and Xbox One in the second half of next year. The developers are now anticipating a full release in June 2016, by which time the consumer version of the Oculus Rift will have released.