Trans man documents everyday of transition for 3 years
Throughout his transition Jamie decided take a selfie every day – intending to only do it for a year, but continuing to capture the photos when he began to grow facial hair.
His story is being told in a Channel 4 documentary called ‘Girls To Men, ‘ which is being on October 13th at 10pm. Throughout his childhood, he cut his hair short and wore male clothes.
The first few months of selfies show Jamie before beginning to take hormones…… These photos show just how dramatically Jamie has changed over the past two years, and gives an insider into the incredible journey of transitioning…
In addition to the testosterone, Raines got surgery seven months later, which cost £5,925, or over $9,000.
“Hey, my name is Jami”, says Raines at the start of the video and the start of the timeline, and then says it again in a distinctly deeper voice, his face visibly masculinized by testosterone.
His slideshow and compilation of almost three years of side by side and time dissolve comparison photographs has been viewed more than 115,000 times. Ask questions of people who’ve already gone through it. It feels like it takes ages for things to start happening but then when it does start everything changes really quickly.
It hasn’t been only physical changes.
“Testosterone affects everyone differently and different changes come in at different points”, Raines told Buzzfeed about his expectations when starting hormone treatment.