Trump an outstanding man, unquestionably talented: Putin
Putin said Russian Federation is ready to work with the United States no matter who is elected president next year.
Putin said: “He is saying that he wants to move to a different level of relations with Russian Federation, to a closer, deeper one”. “How can we not welcome that?”
Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear during his annual year-end question-and-answer session Thursday how he feels about Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.
“He does not like Obama at all”. “I believe we will have a very good relationship with Russia”, Trump told CBS in September.
“He’s a very lively man, talented without doubt”, Putin said of Trump.
Putin renewed his call for increased worldwide efforts in the fight against global terrorism, and gave his tacit blessing to a new Saudi Arabian-led antiterrorism coalition.
Vladimir Putin today described controversial U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump as a “very talented” man.
Russia-U.S. relations have hit a particularly low point during the Obama administration, with the Kremlin persistently alleging that Washington’s pressure on Moscow over human rights and the sanctions imposed over Crimea and the conflict in eastern Ukraine are a cover for fomenting unrest aimed at driving Putin out of office.
But the Kremlin leader took a hands-off stance on the 69-year-old American billionaire’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination.
Putin, a former KGB spy and avid outdoorsman, has staked his reputation on his macho image, with his press shop even releasing a photo of the Russian leader topless on horseback.
On Thursday, Putin went as far as to say that the Islamic State group was a “secondary issue” in Syria as it was created as “cannon fodder under Islamist slogans” to protect economic interests of other players, although he did not name Turkey.
“I’ll say that I haven’t spent a lot of time contemplating the consequences of a Trump presidency”, he remarked.
The Russian military operation in Syria will continue until a political process starts, asserted. Talk to Trump supporters, and they’ll tell you those are exactly the kind of attributes they admire in their man.
“First of all I don’t know whether the Americans need it or not, it’s possible there was a certain agreement on some level: “we down a Russian plane and you turn a blind eye, ‘ ‘we deploy our troops to Iraq and occupy a part of Iraq”. “If he wants to be bombing the hell out of ISIS, which he’s starting to do, if he wants to be bombing ISIS, let him bomb them…”