Trump Back Alone In Top Spot In GOP Race
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley has 2 percent, with 6 percent undecided.
Donald Trump gets 27 percent of Republican voters today, with 17 percent for Sen. His Texas colleague, meanwhile, ties with Carson at 16 percent.
Lindsey Graham excoriated several of his Republican rivals for their harsh rhetoric on immigration and social issues Thursday, suggesting that Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio are incapable of winning a general election because of their positions.
The poll included 672 Republicans with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points and 573 Democrats with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points. Take a look at the RCP polling averages for the past 90 days in the Republican primary.
Ben Carson, who until recently appeared to be in command in the Hawkeye State, could hold the key. An Ipsos analysis of 300 polls showed that there is an eight-point margin of error on average when polls are conducted a year before an election.
“Would a President Cruz build a wall along the entire southern border?”
“Senator Rubio emphatically supported Hillary Clinton in toppling [Muammar] Qaddafi in Libya”. Now there are three candidates in the top five who are now the leaders – Carson, Cruz and Rubio.
“The fact that the presidential race could come down to Cruz and Rubio could mean a huge infusion of fresh new blood and could represent a generational change for the better”, said Amanda Carpenter, a CNN analyst who worked for Cruz but is not taking sides in the race. Hillary gets a -7 while Trump scores lowest with a -22, and both have over 90% of voters making choices on that question. “There are Republicans, including Senator Cruz, that have voted to weaken those programs”.
Like Trump, Clinton has a reliability issue in the public’s eye; 60% of voters agree the former Secretary of State is not honest or trustworthy.
And only six in 10 say he has strong leadership qualities – down from 76 percent of Republicans in early November.
The results are a huge shift from just a month ago, when the Quinnipiac poll had Trump and Carson in a dead heat, and the pollster declared that “Carson has surgically cut away all but one GOP opponent”. And, Cruz’s trend line is quite clear and quite good. Ted Cruz earned 16 percent.
Trump and Women. Houston, we have a problem: Donald Trump has said some wacky things about women.
Last month, Trump had 24 percent, with 23 percent for Carson.
Clinton v Rubio: 45% to 44%. According to Quinnipiac, 65 percent of Republicans say they have not made up their minds about which candidate they will support.