Trump blasts trade deals, departing from GOP orthodoxy
“I’ll give Donald Trump this”.
He also said following the deadly Brussels terror attacks in March that if he were commander-in-chief, “waterboarding would be fine”, adding, “If they could expand the laws, I would do a lot more than waterboarding”.
I am not a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but I am certainly not a fan of Trump and his hate-filled rhetoric.
After calling for a “complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” last December, Trump later said banning Muslims from the country “hasn’t been called for”.
“Every country that we do business with us look at us as the stupid people with the penny bank”, Trump said Wednesday at the rally in Bangor, Maine.
Please think really hard when voting this November – for the betterment of America and not the destruction of it. “And the prescription of withdrawing from trade deals and focusing exclusively on your local market – that’s the wrong medicine”, he said.
Trump supporter Margie Burns, 50, a secretary and Virginia resident, told ABC News that she accepts Trump’s shift “if it helps get him into office”. “We’re going to bring our jobs, we’re going to bring back our wealth, we’re going to bring back our money, we’re going to bring back our pride, we’re going to make America great again”.
“Nobody’s done it”, Trump said, forgetting that he himself has done it.
He threatened to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement and pledged to label China a currency manipulator and impose punitive tariffs on Chinese goods.
Clinton’s position on trade has been a frequent attack line for Trump.
In a call organised by Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign, U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, a former businessman and tech entrepreneur, said that while the country needed to do a better job protecting workers, more resources should be put into training them for a new economy.
“This is a odd and unique development that we have not seen before in campaign fundraising”, said Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed to force Canada and Mexico to renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement with the United States if elected, as part of an effort to protect and restore American jobs.
In a speech promoting Clinton, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka plans to deliver a counterattack on Trump over the trade issue at a Washington conference on Tuesday. “America” also appeared in numerous words in between.
“Folks, we’ve been following that economic advice year after year after year, and what do we have to show for it?” senior Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller told the crowd in Maine.
Mr Trump’s address opened his first swing-state tour of the general election race.
An enthusiastic crowd is welcoming Donald Trump to northern ME, an area rarely visited by presidential candidates.
He noted that young people and minorities – the cornerstone of the Democratic coalition -are more supportive of trade and other facets of globalization, such as immigration. “He points out the flaws in these trades, and that’s all true”, Laffer said.
Clinton’s campaign said in a statement Tuesday that she and Obama will discuss their vision “for an American that is stronger together”.