Trump, Bush and Cruz to be elbow-to-elbow at CBS debate
Trump, whose insurgent campaign has turned the presidential race on its head, on Friday made legal threats against his nearest rival Cruz, who was born in Canada, claiming the latter is not a “natural born citizen” and therefore unqualified to run for president. He has zero credibility on amnesty, and when he attacks Cruz on the Gang of 8, all Cruz has to do is cite his alliance with Sen.
Rubio holds 14 percent, Cruz with 12 percent, Bush and undecided voters tied at 10 percent and Carson bringing up the rear with 2 percent, according to the poll.
But in return, Bush said there must be a “consensus orientation on that nomination”, and Obama “will not have a consensus pick”.
Bush said it’s “absolutely ludicrous to suggest that Russian Federation could be a positive partner” in resolving the Syria crisis, as Trump has suggested.
Trump began by saying that he gets “along with everybody” and noted he was a “self funder” amid boos from the crowd, which he’d cast as interest groups supporting Jeb Bush. You fight ISIS first. “These are animals. You have to knock them out”.
The brash real estate mogul blasted former president George W. Bush, who will hit the campaign trail in SC on Monday to stump for his brother, calling the Iraq war a “big fat mistake”. “They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction, and they knew they were none”.
“I’m sick and exhausted of him going after my family”.
“This is a man who insults his way to the nomination”, Bush said, talking over Trump. Ted Cruz of Texas and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush locked in a race for second. “This is just nuts”.
Cruz called Scalia a “legal giant”, “brilliant” and “faithful to the Constitution”, adding the Senate needs to stand strong and not give up by “allowing Barack Obama to make one more liberal appointee”. Charles Schumer that would have given workers a pathway to citizenship. When Marco Rubio had a chance to speak, he pushed back.
Trump interjected that the weakest person on the stage on immigration was Bush.
Trump took another shot at the audience shortly after.
Rubio’s poor performance has created a potential opening for Bush, the former Florida governor, and Kasich, the current governor of Ohio.
Kasich says expanding Medicaid was a good move because it helped keep people suffering from mental illness and drug addictions out of prisons.
“You are the biggest liar”, Trump said sharply. Americans may want a Republican in November, but they don’t want a return to the Bush years.
“Face the Nation” host John Dickerson moderated the debate at the Peace Center in Greenville, which was likely watched by at least 10 million TV viewers. CBS News White House correspondent Major Garrett and Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal will also ask questions. They each have a victory under their belts from Iowa and New Hampshire and will be flanked by Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and John Kasich – three candidates fighting to break out as the leader of the establishment pack. The entire occasion-all two hours-were consumed by this death match of a presidential debate. He played into that characterization when he repeated the same practiced line multiple times under pressure from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, contributing to his fifth place finish in the New Hampshire primary. Rand Paul, to end their campaigns.