Trump Calls For Unity Across America This Thanksgiving
George Martin is a member of the state Green Party’s coordinating council. It caught Trump’s attention, prompting a furor throughout the campaign. He holds a slim lead in MI, where a Republican presidential candidate hadn’t won since 1988; The Associated Press still hasn’t officially called that race.
Under Wisconsin law, Stein’s campaign must show a basis for the recount in that state and cover costs.
President Obama’s Thanksgiving address was the complete opposite: Gleaming turkey made with Grandma Obama’s recipe passed down through the generations, Michelle’s killer green bean casserole – and you know she puts extra fried onions on top – and more homemade pies than you can count.
As of Friday morning, Stein’s campaign had raised $4.8 million to seek recounts in all three states.
The former MA governor and 2012 GOP presidential nominee had vehemently opposed Trump’s nomination during the primary season, assailing the billionaire as a “phony”. Mitt Romney as secretary of state.
The New York Times also pointed out that Conway defended her tweet by pointing out that the grass-roots supporters for Trump seem most outraged “not against something he said, but something he may do”.
But the other leading choice for top diplomat, outspoken former NY mayor Rudy Giuliani – one of Trump’s loudest supporters from early in his campaign – has drawn scrutiny for business dealings that could pose conflicts of interest. Now he has built a team for his cabinet and future administration that is just about as bad and divisive. “And were loyal. Good checklist”.
“I could see him reaching out to Carrier, but I don’t think anything will happen”, said Shanklin-Hawkins, who added that she “reluctantly” voted for Hillary Clinton this month.
Thank you. God Bless You and God Bless America. “We are always, simply, Americans”. He and Pence have held more than 60 such meetings since the election.
U.S. President-Elect Donald J. Trump has issued a Thanksgiving message to the nation directly via YouTube.
Trump published a tweet Thursday morning saying that he has been trying to keep Carrier from moving its plant from IN to Mexico.
In the video, Trump acknowledges the “long and bruising” political season and says he understands that emotional divides don’t heal overnight.