Trump Endorsed Eisenhower’s Highly Controversial Immigration Policy At The GOP
Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America’s southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. But we have no choice.
During Tuesday’s GOP debate, Trump cited “Operation Wetback”, a program launched in response to immigrants taking advantage of a World War II guest worker program. In the 1950s, most of the Mexicans in the United States illegally, in fact virtually all of them, were single males (or maybe married men, but alone) who came here to work.
Carson told the Washington Examiner his thoughts on Trump’s deportation plans: “I think they hurt Donald Trump in the long run”. I am already sick to death of all of these people and listening to them try to discuss serious subjects like the economy and foreign policy was actually less riveting than the Muzak version of Mr. Big’s “To Be With You” that I heard at the grocery store while getting a bottle of wine beforehand. “I’ve heard good reports, I’ve heard bad reports”, he told Fox host Bill O’Reilly on Wednesday night.
Trump previously referred to Eisenhower’s policy in an interview for CBS’ 60 Minutes as an example of how he planned to round up undocumented immigrants in a “very humane way, a very nice way”.
“It was like a carrot and a stick”, said Mae Ngai, a professor of history at Columbia University. The operation was named after a term for Mexicans who crossed the Rio Grande that is now viewed a racial slur. The 1954 initiative was aimed at apprehending and deporting agricultural workers who had crossed the border illegally looking for work. They moved 1.5 million out, the billionaire real estate mogul said.
In the interview, Obama said Trump’s plan would cost the country billions.
Trump was asked on Wednesday during “Morning Joe” how he would deport 11 million people, and he said he would have a “deportation force” that would do it humanely; he repeated the statement to NBC’s Katy Tur. Yet she said it was very clear what Trump was advocating.
As many as 800 immigration officers and border control agents used jeeps, trucks, buses and airplanes to round up migrants nationwide. American officials dropped numerous immigrants off in remote areas of Mexico without a way to get home, and a few died in the sweltering heat. A riot broke out on one transport.
The issue was brought up by Ohio Governor John Kasich during Tuesday night’s debate among the Republican presidential candidates. “They never came back”.
The president was obviously pointing a finger again at Trump, as Trump’s mother was a Scottish immigrant and his paternal grandparents came to the United States from Germany. “They can come back, but they have to come back legally”. Most of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants are Hispanic. I back you. But I also don’t think you could deport these people because the federal courts would stop you and they would say each person that Donald Trump – President Trump wants to deport has to have due process.
Rolling Stones said that Trump’s immigration plans are not amusing, but instead they are borderline with fascism.
“If you look at it I don’t think our positions are dramatically different”, Rubio said. And it would tear communities apart.
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