Trump launches broad attack on Clinton’s record
Clinton is “a world-class liar” who practices “the politics of personal profits and even theft”, Trump said during a heavily promoted speech he delivered as members of the GOP continued to raise questions about his campaign organization and its ability to raise money.
In a bid to go on offence, Trump announced he would deliver a speech Wednesday addressing “the failed policies and bad judgement of crooked Hillary Clinton”.
This week, we learned that the Republican presidential nominee has $1.3 million in his campaign vault – approximately $41 million less than his Democratic opponent.
Lewandowski had repeated run-ins with rivals in his own office and in the party’s national headquarters; he leaked dirt about other staff; and critics said his aggressive streak encouraged Trump’s worst instincts.
Trump will focus on five areas in his speech attacking the former secretary of state, the source said.
Once again, Trump falsely claimed to have argued against the war in Iraq before the US invaded the country.
Still, the first skirmishes of the general election reveal the organizational, messaging and fundraising flair of the Clinton campaign, and are allowing a candidate who has sometimes struggled to frame a coherent message for her campaign to find new definition with her attacks on Trump.
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday targeted her White House rival Donald Trump’s very rationale for being a competent president, painting the provocative billionaire as a “dangerous” and manipulative businessman who would sink the U.S. economy.
He also “made a fortune filing bankruptcies and stiffing his creditors” in the process, leaving hundreds out of people out of work, Clinton said.
Trump called for the supporters of Vermont Sen.
“All (Trump) was saying was she hasn’t had that same examination, so we don’t really know what she believes”, he added. I know we can sell our products to the 95% of global consumers who live outside of our country. The controversies overshadowed news coverage of Clinton’s own liabilities and hampered Trump’s efforts to make a case against her — especially after a highly critical State Department Inspector General’s report found she had broken regulations by setting up a private email server as secretary of state.
Trump also slammed Clinton and her husband for using their public sector influence to enrich themselves. And she’s going to be owned by Wall Street, she’s going to be owned by the banks, she’s going to be owned by a lot of different groups, or she wouldn’t be raising the money.
Trump cast the fall campaign as one pitting “the people” against “politicians” who have “rigged” the system in their favor, and are symbolized by both Clintons. In a statement Tuesday he said he’d only just held his first fundraiser May 25th and already is competitive in Democrat-leaning states like Pennsylvania: “Our campaign is leaner and more efficient”, Trump said, “like our government should be”.
Trump is also slated to accuse the Clintons of engaging in “pay for play” schemes that saw donors to the Clinton namesake foundation allegedly receive favorable treatment from the State Department. It comes as he faces growing questions about his readiness for the presidency, and even for the campaign he’ll need to run to get there.
The Trump campaign is hoping the speech can quiet those concerns and rally Republicans around their shared opposition to Clinton.
The result has been “one deadly foreign policy disaster after another”, the Republican candidate said.