Trump might fix immigration too well — Gary Lewis
USA president Donald Trump is creating a new government office with the very specific goal of serving American victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.
Sanders added that Trump is focused on making sure that immigration and border security policies focus on protecting Americans from crime and terrorism, but that he is interested in legislation as well.
This office, Trump said, would support the “victims of crime”. In a document posted on his campaign website, Trump criticized the immigration law passed by the U.S. Senate in 2013.
“But let’s be clear about what Donald Trump is doing tonight in inviting family members who saw a loved one murdered by an undocumented immigrants”.
This is a developing story.
Although it suits his populist political narrative to construe the issue of immigration with those of wages and crime, it appears to many that Donald Trump is founding an agency that will simply stigmatise minorities and sow a division that energises his base.
“I want you to know – we will never stop fighting for justice”, Trump said.
And in the last four years, hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors, many from Central American countries, have crossed the U.S. -Mexico border in search of refuge. CNN, the president’s most reviled network, says: “Trump envisions bill allowing many immigrants to stay in United States”.
The idea is a sharp break from the broad crackdown on undocumented immigrants that Trump has taken in his first weeks in office and the hard-line positions embraced by his core supporters that helped sweep him into the White House.
The president did not say what “special interests” were silencing people victimized by immigrants, but he did list people whom he asserted had been killed by immigrants. And recently the Department of Homeland Security clarified its policies in a memo to employees.
Those who qualify for H1-B visas under more stringent conditions either imposed by the Trump Administration or by a bill introduced jointly by a Republican and a Democratic in Congress would likely have a leg up in the merit system.
He infamously made inflammatory racist remarks that immigrants coming over the border are drug smugglers, murderers, and rapists, and his proposed travel ban and ignorance of attacks on Muslims in the US and overseas have made his Islamophobia and xenophobia painfully clear.