Trump promises to ‘restore law and order’ in America
Protests continue: Hundreds of demonstrators, including anarchists, anti-Muslim protesters, Bikers for Trump and those calling themselves pro- and anti-capitalist, gathered in Cleveland’s Public Square on Thursday ahead of Donald Trump’s star turn on the final night of the Republican convention. Ted Cruz of Texas, pointedly refused to endorse the party’s nominee during his convention speech, inciting a chorus of boos and catcalls from pro-Trump delegates.
“As a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said”, he responded.
After Trump attacked Heidi Cruz and insinuated that Rafael Cruz was somehow connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Texas senator said he would not “go like a servile puppy dog” and endorse the Republican nominee.
The Democratic convention in Philadelphia, which starts Monday, is expected to be a more orderly affair.
“I think (she’s) the best thing he’s got going and his kids if you want to know the truth”, he continued during a almost 15-minute ramble about Cruz.
“I became more confident in him as our nominee as he delivered his acceptance speech”, said Marissa Adonis of Washington, D.C., who works for the Junior Statesmen Foundation in D.C. and is black. “Did anybody ever deny that was the father?”
Trump turned to justifying how, on the eve of the IN primary, he touted a story IN the National Enquirer tabloid that printed a photo that purported to show Cruz’s father, Rafael, with Lee Harvey Oswald.
He recently hedged on normally sacrosanct support for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies, warning it would depend “if they fulfill their commitments to us”. And on Thursday, Cruz referenced the incident, as he drew an angry reaction from members of his state’s own GOP delegation.
He referred to Trump attacking his relatives during the primaries: he shared a social-media post insulting Cruz’s wife’s looks, spread a National Enquirer article about marital infidelity, and insinuated Cruz’s father may have been linked to JFK’s assassination. He instead urged Republicans to “vote your conscience”, a refrain used by the anti-Trump faction of the party. And he says he’ll never sign a trade agreement that hurts workers or diminishes freedom.
California delegate Shawn Steel said Ivanka Trump’s speech was “the high point of the entire convention for me”.
“I would like to see Donald Trump come to Minnesota – not to the metro area”.
Throughout this week’s convention, pro-gay Republicans hailing Trump as the most supportive nominee in the party’s history have had their elation tempered by the stark realization that their party is still pushing a very different message.
“Lock her up!” the crowd burst out repeatedly during Trump’s speech and throughout the week. “They’re just begging Trump to give them that reason, and so far he hasn’t done it”, Cox said.
Or like House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said Trump’s accusation that a U.S.-born Latino judge couldn’t be impartial because of his ethnicity was the “textbook definition” of racism but now supports Trump.
“I’m with you, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you.”
“Her bad instincts and her bad judgment – something pointed out by Bernie Sanders – are what caused so numerous disasters unfolding today”, he said. He blamed it on the PAC that ran the ad.
Trump and his vice-presidential pick, IN governor Mike Pence, are now squarely focused on their general election campaign against Clinton.