Trump says he wants a database for Syrian refugees, not all Muslims
Two Republican presidential rivals, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Ohio Governor John Kasich, criticized Trump’s Muslim database proposal.
Ted Cruz also jumped into the fray, tell reporters in Iowa: “I’m a big fan of Donald Trump’s but I’m not a fan of government registries of American citizens”.
Marci Hamilton, a Yeshiva University legal expert on religious liberty, said requiring Muslims to register appears to be a clear violation of the Constitution’s protection of religious freedom. “But it’s all about management”.
I didn’t suggest a database-a reporter did.
Absolutely…. There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases….
Most Americans want the United States of America to stop letting in Syrian refugees amid fears of terrorist infiltrations after the Paris attacks, siding with Republican presidential candidates, governors, and lawmakers who want to freeze the Obama administration’s resettlement program, the Bloomberg has reported.
Then, after a rally in Iowa later in the day, an NBC News reporter asked Trump to confirm if he would create a Muslim database.
“My father was in World War II, and he fought to preserve America against what the Nazis were doing”, he said. When you look at what’s happening – I mean now they say they’re going to attack Washington, which is probably not going to happen, because unlike our presiden t- he tells people exactly what we’re going to do – they’re going to probably say the opposite, but it’s a camouflage. “When you hear people like Donald Trump talking about wanting to do ID cards based on religion”.
Trump didn’t back off the data idea, either, when an NBC reporter asked him about it on Thursday. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) called it “an outrageous and bigoted statement”.
But Trump went beyond knocking Clinton for the language she uses in discussing the threat of terrorism, suggesting she lacks the “strength or the stamina” to lead the country.
“The idea that someone would have to register with the federal government due to their religion strikes against all that we have believed in our nation’s history”, he said.
“The key difference is that Donald Trump would want to bring surveillance programmes like this out of the shadows and into the public with the intention of spying directly on American Muslims”, McCaw said.
Besides, is a watch list, as he puts it, really all that different from a database? One official said the Secret Service detail also helps in terms of security.
Meanwhile, Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Trump and Carson, have participated in the mainstreaming of anti-Muslim sentiment.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to treat anybody differently, one of the hallmarks of America is that we treat everybody the same”, Carson said.