Trump seeks coalition to ‘stamp out extremism’
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross praised the lack of protests President Trump faced during his trip to Saudi Arabia over the weekend, failing to note that dissent in the country is severely punished.
The US leader urge the nations to “confront Islamic terror of all kinds”, deny sanctuary to extremists and stand together against the murder of innocent Muslims by groups like Islamic State.
Slamming the United States president’s contradictory stances toward Saudi Arabia before and after taking the office, Major General Rahim Safavi said Washington earns huge profit from fomenting regional insecurity and creating tensions among Muslim countries.
Some regarded his speech as a positive step towards Muslims. People that want to protect life and want to protect life and protect their religion. But not everyone was convinced that it was the case.
This past week, we followed Cheeto Jesus on this first Presidential trip overseas.
It was closely watched given the anti-Muslim comments by Trump during his presidential campaign and his attempt after his inauguration to institute a temporary US entry ban on nationals and refugees from several Muslim-majority countries, although not including Saudi Arabia.
Trump offered few indications of whether he planned to shift USA policy to better fight terrorism. “Drive them out of the holy land”.
Despite his incendiary comments, or perhaps because of them, Trump is now extending a proverbial olive branch to Muslim leaders, saying Sunday that “this is not a battle between different faiths”.
“Drive them out”, Trump said. One of the takeaways of the trip, he said, was that “we need to put a lot more effort into understanding one another better. understanding each other’s cultures, understanding each other’s beliefs, and I think talking more openly about those”.
Klein, however, expressed disappointment that Trump did not call on Muslim leaders to condemn the terror groups by name, and that Trump also did not insist Muslim leaders end the use of textbooks promoting Islamic extremism. “This agreement will help the Saudi military to take a far greater role in security and operations having to do with security”, Trump added.
Many Twitter users compared Trump and the other two leaders to movie or comic book rogues, while others simply wondered what the lighted globe was.