Trump slams AFL-CIO for endorsing Clinton
The AFL-CIO voted today to endorse the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, joining other unions like the National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union.
“Hillary Clinton is a proven leader who shares our values”, said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
In a statement on the Clinton endorsement, Trump said the AFL-CIO “has made clear that it no longer represents American workers”.
The AFL-CIO’s board voted to approve a Clinton endorsement after the group’s political committee recommended the move on Friday.
“Instead”, he added, “they have become part of the rigged system in Washington, D.C., that benefits only the insiders”.
While top labor leaders have lined up behind Clinton, many of them have acknowledged that Trump’s positions on some core labor issues, plus his blunt, populist approach to campaigning, could make him an attractive option for some rank-and-file union members.
“Bernie is not going to be the nominee”.
AFL-CIO presidential endorsements are determined by a two-thirds vote of the General Board which consists of all members of the Executive Council and the principal officer of each affiliated, national or worldwide union, the principal officer of each trade and industrial department, a representative of each national constituency organization, and allied retiree organization, and young worker organization recognized by the Federation, a representative of each chartered national community affiliate, and regional representatives of the state, area, and local central bodies selected by the Executive Council pursuant to a system promulgated by the Council. “And whatever you think of Secretary Clinton – I happen to think she was a damn good senator from NY and that a lot of the hostility against her is attributable to out-and-out sexism and to the “vast right-wing conspiracy” – she is the candidate who is running against Donald Trump”.
“We are ready to fight hard to restore faith in America and improve the lives of all working people”, said Trumka.
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, an early Sanders ally, wrote on Facebook that Sanders supporters should start taking another look at Clinton. Primarily because of support in some circles for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
But one issue where Trump can claim undeniable inroads with labor union members is his staunch opposition to trade agreements that he says have hurt American workers. And she may also get a vote from the Amalgamated Transit Union, which backed Sanders but has said it will rally around the party’s nominee.
Hillary Clinton will economically destroy poor communities, African-American and Hispanic workers on trade, immigration, crime, energy, taxes, regulation and everything else.
Clinton, he said in a lengthy news release, is the “enemy” of working people.