UN Advisor: Implementation will be the litmus test of SDGs
Invoking the words of late president Hugo Chávez, Maduro affirmed that revolutionary change is the only way to fight poverty.
A new set of goals was launched Friday, and the already hopeful number of goals has risen from eight Millennium Development Goals in 2000 to 17 Global Goals in 2015. This year, world leaders will set a “once in a generation” transformational agenda for development, through global agreements on financing for development, the post-2015 development agenda, climate change, and disaster risk reduction.
The ANC notes that although there has been progress in the attainment of the MDG’s, this has been largely uneven: particularly for developing countries.
The maternal mortality ratio has fallen by 45 percent since 1990.
And the results are tangible.
“This represents less than half percent of global income in 2014”.
These goals are ours.
Unlike the MDGs, the SDGs are not a largely aid-driven agenda. Similarly, many countries have managed to achieve access to primary schooling however considerable issues of quality and equity need to be addressed. Here are five reasons we’re for Australian aid. This should be reversed, especially given that there has been so much progress.
Vice-President Frans Timmermans said that for the very first time in the history of mankind, the boundaries of the planet were actually within sight: inequalities were increasing, social cohesion has been eroding and global competition for resources has been at an all-time high level.
He stated that poor countries require funds to achieve the post 2015 Goals.
Just because they were not met in the past 15 years does not mean that they should not be met in the next 15.
“Jamaica fully endorses Agenda 2030, which is a worthy successor to the MDGs”.
All eyes are on India. Obama, who underlined the USA commitment to achieving SDGs, said the new goals reaffirmed the world’s commitment to reforms towards a better future, address needs of people for education and jobs as well as health care.
The closing session went into the early night and ended with President Museveni inviting delegates to watch a short documentary titled, “The Story You are Shaping”. How can we overcome them? They will be effective only if they are incorporated into national plans. In an increasingly globalized society, it’s more imperative than ever to invest overseas to ensure that we all can live peacefully and well. “It conveys the urgency of climate action”. India has a deep-rooted and growing tradition of philanthropy.
That debate is expected to extend into next year, and researchers should work to ensure that governments are collecting and reporting data. However, the more important task is diverting unsustainable development on a global scale into the sustainable one.
“Without the private sector, it is not going to happen, as we have budgetary constraints in every country”, Gurria said.