Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection Shows Uncharted 2 Screens and Video
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection releases on October 7th in the U.S, and on the 9th in Europe.
“I was playing on a version that used the original PS3 controls; the final version will let you swap to the now-standard L2/R2.”
So if potential users are on the fence about whether the remastered collection is worth their time, they can download the demo when it arrives to make this decision easier.
“‘Uncharted 4’ goes much further than any PS4 or Xbox One game we’ve seen in its use of physics, and the layering of world detail with shaders”, the report continued.
While creating “The Last of Us“, Newman said they pushed the PlayStation 3’s limit so they can have more open environments for the game. There will be no multiplayer in the remasters of the games, but the collection will include access to the Uncharted 4 beta.
Apart from the obvious graphical enhancements, Uncharted 1 will be receiving several notable gameplay tweaks once Bluepoint Games finishes the upcoming port collection of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. All of that emotion you get across in the cutscenes, you’ll have in gameplay all the time.
As for the actual “Uncharted 4“, developed Naughty Dog has announced that there will be real-time cutscenes, thanks to the PS4’s hardware. Bluepoint is also working on a special “brutal” (not final name) difficulty level that is created to be challenging even for the game’s most skilled testers. Look at Sony making good business decisions and stuff.
The video below, from Spanish game website Meristation, shows off the helicopter set piece from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as it appears in Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection on PlayStation 4.
Furthermore, screenshots and gameplay footage for the remastered Uncharted 2, which will be included in the collection, has also been revealed through YouTube.