Undocumented Mexican Immigrant Who Works In Trump Hotel Speaks Out
They want the government to work for them, for the wealthy, and to continue with tax breaks, military interventions and for immigration policy that doesn’t necessarily guarantee an easy path way to citizenship but an easy way for workers from developing countries to work for little for large corporations.
Trump’s anti-immigrant stance, though unfavorable among Latinos, has received wide support from white conservatives in rural communities across the U.S., driving rivals to match his nativist speech and position.
“I know I could lose my job for just talking about Trump, but it doesn’t make me proud everyday to go to work under his name”, Ricardo Aca said in a video profile. “If I do work at Trump SoHo, I have the platform to send this message“.
“There is a literal crime wave going on”, Trump stated.
The Judge told Alan that Donald Trump’s disparagement of the 14th Amendment is “prosperous”, and that all people have natural rights. “We thought he was an illegal immigrant at first“.
Trump did not refer directly to the Irish in Sunday’s publication, but he was not shy about targeting Mexico and its migrants, saying he wanted a wall built along the countries’ border – and that the Mexicans should foot the bill.
Suzanna Chou, a lawyer for the Koi Group, told the Times that Aca’s statements were also false and defamatory and that they implied that he was working illegally for a Trump hotel.
Donald Trump’s proposal to change the Constitution and end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants will no doubt endear him even further to the Tea Party.
Trump comes closest to having a point in making this case, although the case – that immigration harms the worst-off citizens – does not justify the remedy he proposes. He repeats the canard about how much money undocumented immigrants and their children “cost” the United States, ignoring the fact that all undocumented families pay real estate taxes (through their rent), sales taxes and others, and a great many find ways to pay federal and state income taxes, as well as payroll taxes to Social Security and Medicare as well.
The report added “raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the US, instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas”.
Trump’s immigration paper codifies his principles and conveys his general attitude about the issue. His fans are angry at what they see as waffling, weasling, wimpy politicians; they want someone who isn’t beholden to anyone.