US GOP ‘should follow conscience on Trump’
Trump pushed back against such efforts several times during his speech, claiming they were somehow “illegal” and then dismissing them as a media-generated fabrication.
“For me, that’s the easy way”, he said. A source working with the group told CNN that they are going to try to not only directly communicate with the delegates but also try to raise money to buy TV ads. I’m going to reach out to us and see if there seems to be momentum for this.
The fresh wave of anti-Trump organizing comes as a growing number of Republicans have signaled that they will not support Trump for president.
Here in Iowa, Gov. Terry Branstad and U.S. Sens.
“This literally is an “Anybody but Trump” movement, ” said Kendal Unruh, a Republican delegate from Colorado who is leading the campaign. Trump accused the paper of “inaccurate coverage and reporting” of his campaign and said that he no longer felt compelled to work with a paper more interested in “clicks” than journalistic integrity.
And it’s not just the contest with Clinton that looks bad for Trump. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich – which had been opposing Trump with little success. He won 1,542 delegates, 305 above the minimum threshold needed to capture the nomination.
Ryan is the highest elected Republican official and the official chairman of the Republican convention next month.
And House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday said he wouldn’t instruct House members to vote for Trump, saying they should vote their conscience. “Unless there’s a grand scheme, which there’s not, they wouldn’t be able to pull it off”. If accepted by the committee, the proposal would have to be approved by a majority of convention delegates. But his use of the word “conscience” could prove helpful to delegates organizing the anti-Trump campaign because they are pushing to pass a “conscience clause” that would unbind delegates and allow them to vote for whoever they want. “At the convention, we believe the delegates should be able to vote their conscience and not be restricted by some theoretical rule that doesn’t actually exist”. “Dozens” of Republican delegates were said to be on board.
If Trump didn’t call Curiel a Mexican unworthy of hearing his case, you’d nearly wonder what had knocked the candidate off his game.
Anuzis, who spent months corralling delegates across the country for Cruz, said there’s a “loose confederation” of delegates discussing how to change the rules and nominate a consensus candidate, but no real “organized effort”.
Ryan is the chair of that convention, which means he will essentially referee it. According to his interview with Todd, that means he will “just play it by the rules”, apparently whatever those rules may say.
So, how is “supporting” or voting for Donald Trump not the same as endorsing him? Most likely, the movement against Donald Trump started with one person: Donald Trump.
Priebus tapped RNC vice chairwoman Enid Mickelsen and former George W. Bush political director Ron Kaufman to co-chair the convention Rules Committee.
Still, Republican leaders have to reconcile their unease with the fact that primary Republican voters opted for Trump.
“He didn’t get a clear majority”, Waters said.
Some Trump supporters are starting to push back at the opposition party chatter.
Asked what line Trump must traverse before imperiling his own nomination, Trump detractor Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Wis., said, “I don’t know, because I think he’s crossed it 20 times already”. In Georgia, 32 of the 42 delegates positions won by Donald Trump were filled by Ted Cruz supporters.
“We’re gonna beat Hillary”, Trump said in Las Vegas. “If you found out your fiance was a habitual liar, adulterer and owns casinos and an escort service, you may not want to get married at that point”.