Earlier Saturday afternoon, the zoo said a large number of viewers seeking to watch the panda’s birth caused overload to its online live feed. That was the second set of panda twins born in the United States.
Kale Casey, the public information officer on the Chelan Complex, said he’s concerned about the town of Manson – south of hotspots and in the direction of the expected wind shift. He said since Friday the fire has grown 100 square miles. The governor’s office...
– The National Zoo said Saturday afternoon that female giant panda Mei Xiang has given birth to a baby panda cub! Mei Xiang had been artificially inseminated. Pink, hairless and blind, newborn cubs weigh just three to five ounces.
Vice-President Joe Biden on Saturday left the seclusion of the Delaware home where he has been weighing a presidential run, to meet Elizabeth Warren – another influential Democrat who has faced calls to enter the 2016 race.
For now only fans with access to suites and club seats can buy beer and wine. Now, it seems that Ohio State is looking to tip their toe into the water.
Documents seized in raids “lead one to consider it highly probable that the president of the republic may have participated in the same” scheme, Attorney General Thelma Aldana said at a news conference.
BARRE Jody Herring, already accused of killing a state worker in downtown Barre, has been charged with aggravated murder in the shooting deaths of three relatives in a Berlin farmhouse.
Wilkes-Barre-based attorney David E. Schwager is among those board members Stilp says may be connected with Kane, as he practices law in several counties in the region.
The first AP Poll of the season was released early Sunday afternoon. Alabama, third, and Auburn, sixth, are the only two SEC teams ranked ahead of Georgia in the poll.