Asked how much they’d seen or heard about Clinton’s use of a personal email account, 61% said a lot, while just 24% said a little and 15% said nothing at all.
And it was after the shots were fired that he pulled out his gun. Earlier this week, Belmar says his department is very much taking the aftermath of Brown’s death to heart. While exchanging gunfire, one of the suspects ran across a parking lot in the area and was spotted by...
Yesterday, while campaigning in New Hampshire, Hilary Clinton revealed her thoughts on what everybody else it talking about in the world of politics in the U.S., Donald Trump.
The US Army’s outgoing chief of staff warned Wednesday that reconciliation between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq is becoming harder and that partitioning the country “might be the only solution”. In a major national security speech on Tuesday, Jeb Bush criticized...
Sanders was highly retweeted during the Fox News GOP debate, but he ran into an obstacle with Black Lives Matter activists taking his mic at a Saturday Social Security rally.
Walker used a similar retort two weeks ago when Trump first knocked him for his state’s economic performance in a tweet. A Suffolk University survey found Trump at 17 percent, followed by Walker with 12 percent.
The department’s civil rights division, the FBI office in Columbia, South Carolina, and the U.S. attorney for the state have launched the probe into the shooting of 19-year-old Zachary Hammond, Justice Department spokeswoman Dena Iverson announced Wednesday.
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis must begin issuing marriage licenses – that’s the decision reached by U.S. Judge David Bunning late Wednesday. Bunning granted a preliminary injunction against Davis.
Bush’s spoke a day after he hammered Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Barack Obama during a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.