Spokesman Josh Earnest said President Barack Obama continued to have political differences with the man he defeated in the 2008 election, “but those debates have not reduced his appreciation for Senator McCain’s remarkable service to the country”.
And folks, as it has been said many times, the light of the city on a hill can not be hidden. Ready to get unlimited access to all of WORLD’s member content? Questions remain about his discipline, whether he is able to raise enough money to compete and whether he can break...
Several candidates have called on Mr Trump to back out of the race, accusing him of discrediting the Republican party, but he continues to perform strongly in the polls. McCain’s insult to thousands is really no different than Trump’s insult to him, it just...
Business mogul and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump seemed to finally cross the line within his own party when, at a gathering of Christian conservatives in Iowa on Saturday, he dismissed and derided the military service of Arizona Sen. It was only a month ago...
Trump, meanwhile, levelled new criticism against the Arizona Republican and 2008 GOP presidential nominee, saying McCain had made America “less safe” through his votes in Congress.
To him, Trump’s sentiment is more than just questioning McCain’s heroism, but a “dumb” remark that shows his own lack of military experience or understanding.
The real estate mogul has refused to apologise for the remarks, despite criticism from his own party, including calls from rival candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination for him to drop out of the race.
To him, Trump’s sentiment is more than just questioning McCain’s heroism, but a “dumb” remark that shows his own lack of military experience or understanding. Criticism from the media and the likes of Graham and Branstad may help Trump muster support from...