The rule has been criticized by some states and industry groups since it was initially proposed due to its expansion of EPA jurisdiction, which was widened to include waters that feed into navigable waterways.
Alger Correctional Facility Capt. Carl White has been selected to represent Michigan in the final leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run to kick off the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, Calif.
Dunn calls Sanders the Republican Party’s “best friend” and says the GOP should “turn Bernie loose” in his campaign for the Democratic nomination. But should it be? “If you start to see stories pop up that have some finger prints, we’ll...
Brookfield Zoo officials said 54 stingrays died Friday after oxygen levels dropped in the zoo’s Stingray Bay habitat. Four southern stingrays and 50 cow-nose rays. They also closed the exhibit, escorting visitors from the area.