The show was a hit, catapulting Donald Trump to greater national prominence, and ultimately making a mini-celebrity out of the first season’s victor, Bill Rancic.
The office of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt argued the monument should remain, citing a 2005 case in which the US Supreme Court said the presence of the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol did not violate the US Constitution’s Establishment Clause.
The manner in which the Times finalizes its bestseller lists is deliberately kept secret to prevent people trying to rig the system, the Times’ Book Review staff editor Gregory Cowles told the Sacremento Bee.
Kasich then speaks straight into the camera highlighting his blue-collar background and efforts to resuscitate Ohio’s economy. “That’s what they are seeing when they look at Governor Kasich and why we’ve already received millions in additional commitments...
It sounds like something out of a Hollywood script: A bank worker, his wife and young child are abducted by armed men, then he is forced by the perps to rob his employer while they bad guys keep his family for collateral.
As reported by Heroic Hollywood, the Star Wars panel at Comic-Con will feature a surprise announcement that Colin Trevorrow is directing Star Wars Episode 9. Is this a rumor that Umberto Gonzalez may actually get right?
The Conference Report also includes language preventing the use of state funds or tax expenditures for the 2024 Olympics, the creation of a finance control board and a 3-year suspension for the MBTA of the statute that governs the privatization of the functions of state entities,...
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Chairman Tom Woods released a statement late last week to explain why the organization has joined a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers over the Waters of the USA rule that the...