Nehlen, who is challenging incumbent House Speaker Paul Ryan in the primary, spoke to the controversy after casting his ballot in Delavan Tuesday morning.
Hillary Clinton’s polling numbers bounced up in the days following the Democratic National Convention, giving her a 4.4-point lead as of August 1, according to the latest data from RealClearPolitics. “Trump’s reckless and uninformed positions on critical issues...
The trial court’s ruling, in turn, came in response to an appeals court ruling in April finding that the state’s 2011 voter ID law would likely prevent people from voting who had legitimate difficulties obtaining documentation to get IDs, and it tasked the trial court...
According to early returns, Ryan was on pace to defeat Nehlen by a hefty margin, with the speaker garnering more than 80 percent of the vote with almost 90 percent of the district’s precincts reporting.
I just sent a message to President Barack Obama following a White House announcement that it’s teamed up with Facebook to let people virtually communicate with the president.
The beleaguered transit agency began rolling out a massive new rail fix project in June, but Metro has continued to be plagued by a series of safety lapses, including another train derailment just last month.
Former New England mafia godfather Frank “Cadillac” Salemme was ordered held without bail today on charges he murdered a federal witness after prosecutors say he went on the run from a witness protection program.
Mayor Anthony Silva was arrested yesterday at the camp. Investigators say a semi-automatic pistol that was stolen from Silva was used in two separate Stockton shootings.
Nine Olympic sports will be awarding 15 gold medals Tuesday at the Rio Olympics, and the competitions include four big battles in the pool and the ever-dazzling women’s team gymnastics title.
Tears welled in his eyes as he listened to the national anthem – until one of his buddies from Baltimore cracked him up that shouting out “O” like they do at Camden Yards before Orioles’ games.