“This CDC funding provides real-time data about the Zika epidemic as it unfolds in the United States and territories and will help those most devastated by this virus”.
The campaign fired Monday senior adviser Ed Brookover, who acted as the middle man between the campaign and the Republican National Committee, Reuters reported.
Expect very low scores here this week at River Highlands; as the winning score here over the last five years is an average of 15.4 strokes under par. It’s still a demanding golf hole, but now the beauty of it now shines even more. I play under jasonwedge and have my...
A Washington, D.C., transit police officer was arrested Wednesday on a charge of trying to support the Islamic State terrorist group by buying gift cards, becoming the first USA cop to face such charges.
Trump later tweeted, “Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over T.V. doing the same – Nice!” Obama asked during a White House news conference.
Clinton more than made up her lost ground with voters amid the post-Katy Perry bliss, surging by a net of 5.5 points and leading Trump 46.4 percent to 42 percent.
Trump later said he was just kidding and being sarcastic. He also suggested he would consider easing sanctions on Russian Federation and recognising its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region.
“What I think unites Putin and Trump is an extremely cynical look at the world and the human condition, and I think this could, forgive me the pun, trump any other disagreements they may have”, he says.
Trump didn’t specify how the Clinton campaign would go about “rigging” a general election, but the idea that Democrats are somehow stealing votes isn’t new. “He’s not afraid of the IRS”.
The mayor of Somerville, a largely white and historically working-class Boston suburb, had earlier in the day promised not to remove the banner despite complaints from officers across the state.
In that role, his primary focus has been community relations and neighborhood policing. He is well-renowned for his efforts to fight crime alongside Mayor Rudy Giuliani in NY in the 1990’s and for attempting to shift the perceptions of crime and police officers. De Blasio...
Seeing as how there’s been heated debate in New Orleans of late over what to do with the city’s Civil War monuments, perhaps this offers a potential solution: replace them with monuments to pop culture phenomenons? However, no one believes that the creators of the...