Orlando Police Chief John Mina initially said “around 20” people succumbed to gunshot wounds inside the Pulse Orlando nightclub, but later said police found far more victims once they gained full access to the scene.
Trump said the Republican Party “has got to get their act together, come together to win” and slammed GOP senate candidates who are not backing his run for president.
Los Angeles Times is reporting that Santa Monica police there have arrested a man after finding assault rifles, ammunition and possible explosives in his vehicle.
Froome will now look to preserve his race lead throughout the 151km stage from Pont-de-Claix to SuperDévoluy to win the International Cycling Union (UCI) World Tour race for the third time, as he builds for the defence of the Tour de France.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has mixed feelings about the current performance of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and its screening practices at airports nationwide.
The speech will call Trump racist for his remarks accusing the judge presiding over his Trump University court of being biased against him because of his “Mexican heritage”. In fact, as the first woman to win the presidential nomination of a major political party in...
Donald Trump’s campaign is built around a simple, yet profound idea: Donald Trump is great. Insiders are complaining that he doesn’t like the hard-yakka of being a candidate -he reportedly sees the stroking and courting of likely donors as beneath him and, according...