Officer Ashley Guindon, 28, had just joined the Prince William County Police Department and was sworn in on February 26, the day before her first shift, CNN reported.
Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump demands retraction of “misleading” ads from Rubio Super PAC Trump leads by double digits in Alabama, Oklahoma Nikki Haley knocks Trump over KKK MORE holds double-digit leads over other GOP White House hopefuls in Alabama and Oklahoma...
But while his campaign has confounded many Republican leaders, the NY real estate developer cites his high poll numbers as proof he is not dividing the party but expanding its ranks.
Courser sent the email, which called Gamrat “a tramp, a lie and a laugh”, to hundreds of Republicans on his email list, setting off what has become one of the most freakish chapters in Lansing’s political history.
The rebuke of Trump came as GOP voters went to the polls in 11 states in a “Super Tuesday” of balloting that many Republicans fear could give the combative and controversial New Yorker unstoppable momentum toward claiming the GOP presidential nod. We believe his...
“So if it looked like what you’re now seeing on the Republican side, with renegade candidates like Donald Trump whom the party doesn’t like, these people would be a counterbalance”. Basically, everything we know about party nomination processes told us...
Also, the Supreme Court has not yet deadlocked 4-4 since Scalia’s death on a high-profile issue, so there has been no stalemate to test the public’s reaction.
A brawl erupted in Anaheim, California, on Saturday during a rally for white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan when counter-protesters attacked members of the hate group, driving them from the area.