Hillary Clinton’s win in Nevada means she will pick up most of the state’s delegates. The announcement of Hillary Clinton’s projected victory in the close race comes with 72 percent of the vote counted and Clinton holding a close but steady lead against...
The pope suggested that Trump is not Christian, stating that anyone who focuses on building walls instead of bridges doesn’t hold Christian values. Religious leaders of all faiths have at one time or another used their prestige to comment on the political/social issues of...
On Saturday, just as SC voters were preparing to cast the first ballots in the state’s primary, Trump reposted a tweet that suggested both Rubio and Ted Cruz are “ineligible” to campaign for the Oval Office. Marco Rubio and Cruz were in a tight race for second...
Though Planned Parenthood isn’t specifically named in the bill, the outlet reports that the effects of this law will defund the organization by more than $1 million, because Planned Parenthood does perform abortions along with its more common health and contraceptive...
If Rubio doesn’t win in any of South Carolina’s seven congressional districts – and the early returns suggest Trump will win all of them – he’ll get zero delegates.
Meteorologists at the weather service’s Storm Prediction Center say the most risky storms are likely to strike southern sections of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana and the western tip of the Florida Panhandle.
A Farmington, Utah woman and an LDS Church Young Women’s group say they discovered the decapitated head of a snake in a can of Western Family green beans as they prepared dinner for elderly neighbors Wednesday night.
Scalia’s casket was to remain at the Supreme Court until early Saturday. Trump, who heads into the upcoming SC primary and Nevada caucus with leads of 18.5 and 13 points, respectively, called Scalia’s death “pretty unusual” during a broadcast of The Savage...
“I think it’s going to be Hillary and myself”, Mr Trump told CNN on Sunday. Nevada’s Republican caucuses are Tuesday, and then a dozen states vote in the March 1 Super Tuesday bonanza.
Though some in the crowd were there just to be in the same room as a former president, the majority were Hillary Clinton supporters who said their minds were made up ahead of the Democrats’ Mar. 1 primary, which is open to independent voters for the first time.
“There is nothing easy about running for president, I can tell you”. And as long as that 70 percent is being divided up by five people, of course he’s the frontrunner.