Watch the video here: (WARNING: Video may be considered disturbing)The driver backed up, and Sam then boarded an MTA bus in another attempt to flee the scene.
He played into that characterization when he repeated the same practiced line multiple times under pressure from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Rubio delivered a mea culpa on Tuesday night on Twitter, where he said his disappointment was not with New Hampshire voters but with...
President Bill Clinton fired some attacks against his wife political rival Sen. The former NY senator and secretary of state started this election season with a huge advantage over Bernie Sanders in the Granite State, and then watched for months as Sanders’ popularity with...
Republican presidential candidates are gathering here for a debate Saturday night that will be jolted by the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
This take on Bush 43 isn’t entirely new from Trump (although the accusation that he intentionally deceived America is further than usual), but it comes right as the former president is coming to SC to campaign for his brother. “It took him five days before his people...
The green flag is about to unofficially drop on the 2016 NASCAR Sprint Cup season, the first since 1991 that will be completely Jeff Gordon-free (on the track, anyway, as Gordon will be calling races for Fox this year). But in Logano’s mind, running 200 miles per hour in a...
It’s a awful, ridiculous idea – that women could be expected to vote as instructed – but, if you squint, you can kind of see how that particular train of thought rolled into stupid station. Women are so common in today’s executive offices that the first...
The three candidates in the middle-Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich-may have the most to lose. It is no good to head from SC to Nevada, supposedly friendly territory; with a strong Ted Cruz ground game and a bad showing.
Former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca pleaded guilty to lying to federal authorities investigating corruption in the department, a probe that was gaining momentum when he abruptly retired two years ago.
As the Los Angeles Times explained, “Clinton’s repeated citing of Obama had a practical effect: it was evidence of her loyalty to the nation’s first African-American president at a time when the campaign is moving into states with large minority populations,...
As he exited the vehicle, Smith produced a rifle and began shooting at the two officers, striking both, police said. BRPD said the man who shot at police is in critical condition at an area hospital.