And by the next day, Bill Clinton appeared to have shaken the whole thing off. On Monday night in Hudson, joined by his daughter, Chelsea, a smattering of New Hampshire elected officials, Massachusetts Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, and Ted Danson (!), the former president offered a...
But a softening economic outlook, combined with a round of tax cuts and increased spending enacted by Congress last year, will make the deficit problem about $1.5 trillion worse over the coming 10 years, according to the latest Congressional Budget Office estimate. Still, the...
Malaysia’s Minister for International Trade, Mustapa Mohamed said that there is fear that the TPP would hurt Chinese trade, and that for many, China is their biggest trading partner.
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump won New Hampshire’s Republican presidential nominating contest yesterday, while US Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont won the Democratic primary over Hillary Clinton, US television networks said after early results.
Authorities in Brazil said on Friday Zika has been detected in patients’ saliva and urine, adding to the concern over the spread of the virus, while USA officials offered new guidance on sex for people returning from Zika-hit regions.
Drew Cline, the former editorial page editor for the Manchester Union-Leader, says Rubio survived New Jersey Governor Chris Christie making fun of him for bizarrely repeating himself about President Obama.
McCarrel had been active in protests over the use of deadly force by police, and organized local demonstrations over the shooting death of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.
Flint’s water remains tainted with lead from old pipes after the city switched its supply source in April 2014 and has forced residents to use filters before consuming.