A worker directs traffic in the parking lot of a Blacksburg funeral home on Wednesday. McCoy Funeral Home hosted visitation for 13-year-old Nicole Lovell, who authorities say was stabbed to death after… This January 2016 photo provided by Blacksburg Police Department shows...
St. Louis Democrat Rep. Stacey Newman’s bill would ban those convicted of domestic violence or sexual offenses from possessing guns, as well as those with protective orders against them. The national total is an undercount because not all law enforcement agencies report...
Secretary Clinton won this state in 2008. The change in the final tally comes days after Democratic Party officials had said there wouldn’t be a review of the caucus results despite the claims of discrepancies and Hillary Clinton’s tiny margin of victory over Bernie...
SEVEN years after the United States banned waterboarding as an interrogation tactic, two Republican presidential candidates say they would revive its use.
In Vermont between 2006 and 2014, there were 15 domestic violence-related firearm homicides in the state, according to statistics compiled by The Associated Press.
The only doctor to ever be convicted of murder for recklessly prescribing drugs in the United States was sentenced today to 30 years to life in prison.
Nicole disappeared early on January 27, spurring an extensive search that led to the discovery of her body three days later in a wooded area in North Carolina.
In Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform heard testimony from several Flint officials and experts. According to Chaffetz, Earley was invited last week to testify before the committee, but told the panel on Monday night that he...
Donald Trump is calling for a do-over in the Iowa Caucuses, saying that Texas Sen. Trump started to fire of a storm of angry tweets on Wednesday accusing Cruz, claiming that he had stolen the caucuses.