Rubio laid claim to that title of establishment frontrunner Monday night by coming within a percentage point of populist billionaire Donald Trump’s second-place finish and not far behind Iowa victor Ted Cruz, the ultra-conservative US senator from Texas. “If there are...
Jennifer Williams, who owns a small ranch outside of Burns, said she arrived at the demonstrations to send a message that the standoff supporters don’t represent the voice of the community outside the Harney County Courthouse in Burns, Monday.
After accepting his second-place finish at the Iowa caucuses with uncharacteristic grace but calling the result an “honor”, Donald Trump accused rival Ted Cruz on Wednesday of having won the contest through fraud.
Asia McClain Chapman, a high school classmate of Syed, testified that Syed´s former lawyer, Cristina Gutierrez, who died in 2004, never contacted her about a potential alibi.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the oversight panel, said EPA should have acted on its own to warn the public about water problems in Flint. “We are not letting this go”.
Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice went undercover recently posing as a Lyft driver to see if unsuspecting riders in the Bay Area would recognize him.
Trump was riffing on the topic of immigration during an event in New Hampshire on Friday morning – three days before the Iowa caucuses – when he once again brought up Cruz’s Canadian birth.
Four days before the Iowa caucuses, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign has released a doctor’s letter declaring Sander “in overall very good health”.