Health authorities in Dallas, Texas, said on Tuesday they had received confirmation of the first transmission of the Zika virus through sexual contact.
Blacksburg police officials confirmed that a second Virginia Tech student, who is related to the abduction and death of Nicole Madison Lovell, has been arrested on Sunday morning for collaborating in the dispose of the remains of the 13-year-old Blacksburg girl.
Before the sentence was imposed, Sweat told Clinton Supreme Court Justice Patrick McGill he was sorry to have caused fear among residents in the community.
Storm survey teams will be heading to west Alabama later this morning to look at damage from Tuesday’s severe storms, according to the National Weather Service in Birmingham.
Bush told voters what he called “the Florida story:” that as governor, he cut taxes every year, made it possible to fire underperforming state employees and balanced the state’s budget.
In a joint statement, the Jewish Federations of North America and Reform and Conservative movements said in a new statement that the new space is a critical, dramatic and unprecedented acknowledgment by Israel that the holy site must incorporate traditions of both Reform and...
More than 1,500 emails on Clinton’s server have been retroactively classified by the State Department. She wanted to be seen as the strong and experienced choice in contrast to upstart Barack Obama, then a senator from IL. Even though her main opponent, U.S. Sen. But...
The testimony came at a court hearing where Cosby’s lawyers asked a judge to throw out the sexual assault charges because of what they said was a binding, decade-old commitment from Castor that Cosby would never be prosecuted. The former DA said he privately hoped that she...
The other candidates really couldn’t resist mocking Mr Trump for boycotting the final debate. “Now that we’ve gotten the Trump portion out of the way…”
The money, Sanders has suggested, undercuts Clinton’s ability to push for the kind of Wall Street reforms needed to avoid a repeat of activities that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis – a notion she vigorously disputes.