However, the department will withhold seven email chains, constituting 22 emails, which the agency now believes to include highly classified information.
The Washington Free Beacon’s Lachlan Markay said Friday that the Hillary Clinton campaign is getting close to “panic mode” as recent polls show 2016 Democratic nomination challenger Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) leading Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Couch returned to the Dallas-Fort Worth area Thursday after fighting his extradition in the case over whether he broke the terms of his sentence in the 2013 DUI crash that killed four people.
Couch was returned to the United States on Thursday. Rest assured that in the days and months ahead we will do everything we can under the law to hold him accountable for what he’s done, realizing that we will always be limited by the juvenile judge’s sentence of a 10...
Monday, the American Heart Association released a statement that aims to identify why women carry more risk than men when it comes to cardiovascular disease. For example, high blood pressure is more strongly associated with heart attacks in women and if a young woman has diabetes...
The State Department has previously released emails that have been redacted because they were deemed to contain material that should not be released to the public, but the 22 highly classified emails are the first ever to be entirely blocked.
But among Republicans and Republican leaners, these figures are nearly exactly reversed: 65% say she is not religious, while just 28% say she is at least somewhat religious, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. It was well received, particularly when she blasted...
Tonya Couch’s arrest affidavit alleges that she and her 18-year-old son fled the state in December as Texas prosecutors investigated whether he had violated his probation in the case of a 2013 wreck that killed four people.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will release a tough new television ad critical of Goldman Sachs’ role in the financial meltdown and use of speaking fees as he ramps up criticism of Hillary Clinton’s ties to Wall Street. “If you think that both...
In January 2015, while cries from residents of Flint, Mich., that something was wrong with the tap water went ignored, state officials made provisions to have watercoolers installed at the State Office Building in Flint.
Some occupiers have been allowed to pass through the police checkpoints, but others have been arrested and charged with federal intimidation charges for occupying the refuge. The occupation began almost a month ago.