Blair Horner, with the New York Public Interest Research Group, which supports numerous measures opposed by Senate Republicans, said there are other reforms that can be achieved with a GOP Senate, and he said a corruption scandal involving Republicans in the state Senate...
By two days after the election, Hillary Clinton had won the popular vote in America by over 200,000 votes, and the next four years will most likely be a disaster.
For some reason, the Capitals were allowed to harass Patric Hornqvist all night long as Tom Wilson broke his entire stick on him and didn’t even get a penalty called. Ovechkin immediately left the ice and went to the locker room for evaluation.
Bernie Sanders was beaten in the primaries, but he’s still not backing down. “She should have won this election by 10 percentage points”. “That is the German word for taking pleasure in someone else’s misfortune”.
The Migration Policy Institute, a nonprofit think tank, found that almost half of those 1.9 million were legally present in the United States as green card holders, and were not undocumented. He could also do nothing. NPR reports there are 300 such cities and counties, and under...
But there is one piece of the post-election conventional wisdom that is importantly right, yet in ways more complicated than we progressives might wish. The Green Party are campaigning for ranked voting and hand-counted paper ballots among other measures to bring up the standard...
Thousands of protesters have been holding rallies in major USA cities like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, Portland, urging Trump to resign over his racist and divisive campaign pledges.
We need a New Democratic Party capable of organizing and mobilizing Americans in opposition to Donald Trump’s Republican party, which is about to take over all three branches of the USA government.
“This is not about a difference in policy or politics – Steve Bannon has promoted anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic and unsafe views that have emboldened white nationalist forces and caused some Americans to question whether they can still feel safe in the country we...
Sen. Sherrod Brown said Bannon promoted “anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic” views on the Breitbart website. Rand Paul said opposition to Bannon’s appointment was simply “sour grapes” over the election. “You know, we have to keep our talented...