“We feed off of that energy from the crowd”. “It’s another game, but one we easily could have had a point and probably could have found a way to get two”. “In spite of what the shots might’ve said, I thought we had a good third period and...
One is that even though he filled out the form saying, “I am a registered member of the [Democratic] party”, he really isn’t, because Vermont doesn’t register voters by political party. Download NHPR’s new State of Democracy app and stay connected to...
According to the report, both suspects pointed their guns at the victim and said, “Don’t move”. It doesn’t appear officers located the weapon. Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole is at the scene.
Quinn, who ran for New York City mayor in 2013, said a recent Bloomberg Politics story that quoted Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver joking that “we’re willing to consider her for vice president…we’ll even interview her” was beyond the pale.
While the Wylie family awaits justice for La’Darious, the Chester community wants to honor him by renaming his favorite park (right down the street from the bus stop where he was killed) in his honor. La’Darious immediately pushed his sister out of harm’s way,...
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has ordered a taxpayer-funded school district in the suburbs of Chicago to allow a male transgender student who dresses like a girl and otherwise identifies as female to use the girls locker room and shower on...
“The seriousness of this reckless breach of sealed Supreme Court documents, orchestrated by the presiding judge of a state investigative grand jury, with attorneys and the very reporters who have covered a few of the Sandusky, Computergate, and Bonusgate cases, can not be...
Right: No beef here with one-loss Alabama being at No. 4, even if comes off as more of the same old Crimson Tide idolatry. While something like that may happen sometime in the future, this year, at least, we may have something even better. “It all depends on how we play”.
Food company Kraft Heinz Co. announced the layoffs of 2,600 employees and the closing of seven plants in an effort to increase the profitability at the mammoth food-beverage company.
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, a London and Delaware-based pharmaceutical manufacturer, and Cephalon, Inc, a Pennsylvania-based subsidiary of Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries, allegedly underpaid drug rebates owed to the states.