A 56-year-old woman died in her Millbury apartment Saturday night after a fire broke out, possibly due to the improper disposal of a cigarette, fire officials said.
As of about 9 a.m. – lunch time on the East Coast, mind you – the only bone ESPN had thrown fans was a tweet from its Direct of Public Relations, Keri Potts, asking media to just stalk the College GameDay twitter site for a decision instead of continuing to flood her...
“While most Mississippians welcome the rain, we need to remember the possibility of flash flooding associated with the storms that are moving through Mississippi”, said MEMA Executive Director Robert Latham.
Charging documents have revealed what happened in the moments before St. Paul mother Sarah Anne Wierstad was killed in her home, after interrupting a burglary.
The campaign also announced the endorsement of Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter, who will serve as co-chair of the Cruz operation in Texas with Patrick, as well as six major financial supporters that once backed former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who dropped out of the...
In the same vein, Republican candidate Donald Trump tweeted: “Personally I would rather run against Hillary because her record is so bad”. The executive director of the El Paso County Republican Party, Daniel Cole, says Biden choosing to stay on the sidelines only...
In the wake of radio failures when a fence-jumper got inside the White House in September 2014, auditors with the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General rode around to various sites with Secret Service staff. They found one officer at an embassy post...
On Wednesday night more than two-thirds of the Freedom Caucus voted back to Ryan – just short of an official endorsement, but Ryan said afterward he planned to move forward with his bid and continue talking to other House Republicans.