A proposed tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. atop Stone Mountain has made unlikely allies of civil rights organizations and members of a Confederate heritage group.
Prior to Monday morning’s news that the glitch had been resolved, Southwest had said it was still working to fix the problem. Airline officials said later that there was no longer a need to arrive early but that passengers might still want to print boarding passes at home...
The Farmington Hills Police Department will be doing its part to raise awareness of domestic violence by displaying magnetic purple ribbons on all police vehicles and officers may be seen wearing purple ribbons on their uniforms. They are one of 9 domestic violence resource...
“It’s really nothing more than housekeeping on the part of the banks and not a cause for concern”, said Matthew Gardner, chief economist at Windermere Real Estate, covering the Seattle market.
We often don’t think of young, lovely celebrities having to go through painful health trauma, but as we recently saw with Selena Gomez’s fearless decision to open up about her struggle with lupus, no one is immune to an invisible illness.
While he says his store trains its employees, and has ways to filter out straw purchasers looking to buy a gun and give it to a criminal. “I was glad, I felt like somebody is finally listening, and in Milwaukee they’re doing the same thing that we are doing here in...
A jury in Milwaukee, Wis., has sided Tuesday with two police officers in a civil case that claimed a gun store bore a few responsibility in the illegal sale of a gun that was later used in their shooting.
After their two month old daughter Abigail was found to have a brain tumor, Erika and Stephen Jones were told to take her home and love her. “If she dies, I don’t want it to be in plastic box in a hospital NICU”, mom Erkia told ABC News.
The demands come as the City Council’s appointments committee is scheduled to consider on Wednesday afternoon a request by Rawlings-Blake to confirm Davis as the city’s permanent top cop after several months of him serving in an interim capacity.