In May, when Ritzheimer staged a heavily armed protest outside the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, he had said he wanted to see similar rallies nationwide.
The New York Times first reported the move. The Obama administration is also now considering Turkey’s proposal that the US aid a separate force of Arab fighters that would fight alongside Kurdish militias to march on ISIS’s capital in the eastern city of Raqqa.
Carter predicted Russia’s support for the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, including the new joint offensive, “will have consequences for Russia itself”, adding: “I also expect that in coming days the Russians will begin to suffer casualties in...
The Russians insist they are targeting Islamic State (IS) extremists – also referred to as Isil or Isis – but Western sources say they have largely hit mainstream opposition forces. “Nato will defend you, Nato is on the ground, Nato is ready”, he said.
The Quinnipiac poll also tested the temperature of Ohio’s U.S. Senate race between Republican Sen. “In 2014, voters expressed overwhelming support for legalization, but at the ballot box they failed to meet the 60 percent threshold required by the State...
He told the House of Representatives Oversight and Investigations panel that he knew in 2014 the company might be breaking United States emissions rules, because a study by West Virginia University had shown a few of its diesel vehicles had high toxic emissions on the road.
Temperatures dipped into record lows multiple times last winter, so cheers to possibly avoiding that again. Areas north and west of Worcester, particularly at higher elevations, can expect snowfall somewhat above seasonal averages.
House members who want to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank have enough commitments of support to force a floor vote, one supporter said Friday. The bank’s authorization expired June 30 after conservative Republicans kept it from receiving a vote in committee.
“Pumpkins are first come, first serve, and we’ll pick ’em until they’re gone”. Visiting the Pumpkin Patch is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. “All pumpkin donation proceeds will go to the Willamette Humane Society”, Marketing Manager Cheryl...
He wrote that the inmates’ allegations that the lethal injection procedure posed a substantial enough risk of causing them unnecessary pain and suffering included enough facts about the drugs used to move forward with their claim. Legal and political battles over death...
For just a second, get that song out of your head. The Chicago Cubs (94-65) and Pittsburgh Pirates (96-63) will meet in Wednesdays National League Wild-Card Game to determine who will face the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS.